Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Nimble CIO

You're the typical Canadian CIO.  Analytical, methodical, risk adverse. Letting everyone else suffer with the latest technologies until at least service pack 1 is available.  

You're in IT, you've been here for many years so you know the drill. There is always new IT stuff coming out, but it isn't worth the risk spending time and money on it until it has been proven in YOUR industry.  

You've seen technology evolve within business from replacing the typewriter to replacing mail and filing cabinets. As long as you continue to minimize the risk to the business of data loss while still providing some new technology functionality, things will be fine. The way you do business won't change that much over the next decade.

Or will it?

There are a few things happening that have me thinking things need to change in the minds of CIOs and the way that business looks at technology.
  • We've just entered the Post-PC era.  For the first time mobile is outselling desktops
  • Infiltration of a more "connected" workforce emerging - Gen Y's have grown up with this technology
  • Social Media - Your business is being discussed on the Internet, whether you're participating or not
  • The emergence of Cloud technologies is dramatically reducing the cost of entry - less of an upfront financial hurdle

So what does all this mean and why is it important to you?

I'll try and keep it really simple and use the future blogs to go into further depth on each topic.  

Basically, we can't afford to not have deeper conversations about our technology strategies.  Technology is no longer a balance sheet liability, but rather it has become the lifeblood of our businesses.  These new trends are making for a more transparent and competitive market.  Is your business prepared to have all its dirty laundry available to all your future customers and future employees?  Will it hurt your business if you can't attract or retain the best employee talent because management will not empower them with the best tools?  This goes beyond an employee wanting to use a  personal iPhone over a locked down Blackberry provided by the business.  That is just the tip of the iceberg.  

I'm looking forward to sharing more of these introverted thoughts..  very cathartic.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! Looking forward to reading more of your introverted thoughts. Provocative. Intriguing. And definitely worth sharing...
